Patent Information

August 5th, 2014 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, the reader is hereby placed on notice of Scorpcast LLC rights in the United States Patents listed on this site and associated with the following products. This listing does not necessarily list all of Scorpcast LLC patents and/or patent applications.

U.S Patent No. 8,615,474
U.S Patent No. 8,595,057
U.S Patent No. 8,616,474
U.S Patent No. 8,635,169
U.S Patent No. 8,682,809
U.S Patent No. 9,703,463
U.S Patent No. 9,741,057
U.S Patent No. 9,754,296
U.S Patent No. 9,832,519
U.S Patent No. 9,899,063
U.S Patent No. 9,965,780
U.S Patent No. 10,057,628
U.S Patent No. 10,205,987
U.S Patent No. 10,354,288
U.S Patent No. 10,506,278
U.S Patent No. 10,506,738
U.S Patent No. 10,909,586
U.S Patent No. 11,012,734
U.S Patent No. 11,138,375
U.S Patent No. 11,184,664
U.S Patent No. 11,334,718
U.S Patent No. 11,361,160
U.S Patent No. 11,432,033
U.S Patent No. 11,902,614
U.S Patent No. 11,915,277
U.S Patent No. 12,057,143
U.S Patent No. 12,273,585